dpq 0.0.3
A postgresql (libpq, pq) library aiming to be simple to use
To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:
Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:
dpq - A D PostgreSQL library
dpq wraps the libpq library and aims to provide a simple and modern way to access PostgreSQL in the D programming language.
Current features:
- Opening a connection using a connection string
- Queries
- Fetching the results of queries in binary format
- Looping through the said results
- Exceptions on query errors
## Planned features
- Object-relational mapping
- Automatic schema creating from objects
- Connection pooling
## Documentation
There is no docs yet, in the future, they should be written into the source code itself.
Some notes:
- If a wrong type is specified while fetching a column, the results are undefined. Most likely just garbage
MIT, read LICENSE.txt
Very simple example code
import std.stdio;
import dpq.connection;
import dpq.query;
void main()
auto conn = Connection("host=somehost dbname=testdb user=testuser password='VerySecureTestPassword'");
// One-line query execution, the same could be done with Connection.exec(string command)
Query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test (id SERIAL, txt TEXT)").run();
// Last connection will be used if none is specified as the first param to Query()
q = Query("SELECT id, txt FROM test WHERE id = $1 OR id = $2");
// Params could also be added with the << operator
// r << 4 << 1;
r = q.run(4, 1);
foreach (row; r)
writeln("row['txt'] is: ", row["txt"].as!string);
// Connection does not have to be closed, the destructor will take care of that.
- Registered by Irenej Marc
- 0.0.3 released 9 years ago
- IrenejMarc/dpq
- Copyright © 2016, Irenej Marc
- Authors:
- Dependencies:
- derelict-pq
- Versions:
0.11.6 2022-Jun-04 0.11.5 2021-Jun-25 0.11.4 2020-Sep-30 0.11.3 2020-Sep-05 0.11.2 2020-Aug-25 - Download Stats:
0 downloads today
0 downloads this week
180 downloads this month
4575 downloads total
- Score:
- 3.4
- Short URL:
- dpq.dub.pm